

The Finish Empty® Leadership Program continues to impact school systems, teams, & administrations with unprecedented success as students achieve their dreams. Finish Empty® brings an entire school together under one mission, Finish Empty®.

The Finish Empty® Leadership Program is a Five-part-video driven program designed for the classroom. It includes a downloadable workbook intended to help students think differently about life.

Students watch the video sessions, take notes in the workbook, answer questions, and discuss as a class. Each session is designed to be completed in a class period.

The first session is all about Defining your Dreams. What is it you want to accomplish in life? How can we find the intersection of your passion and ability to help you chase your dreams? The second session is about Developing your Plan. A dream without a plan is more of an illusion than anything else. What do you need to do daily to take steps toward your dreams? The Third Session is about Defining your Team. We also travel the same direction and pace as those we surround ourselves with! The Fourth Session is focused on Dictating Your Time. We can't accomplish big things without the right routine and discipline. Finally, we conclude by talking about Devoting your Life. You can't accomplish anything significant in life without passion!

This 5 Part Leadership Program helps students think differently about their lives. At the end of the program, they have a completed workbook that can help guide them to excellence. 

Many students want to chase extraordinary things; They just aren't sure how to get there. Finish Empty® helps them find the path.  

For more information about The Finish Empty® Program, contact us here.


“Jason changed the way we lead in our school and how our students work each day. Finish Empty® has given us a target to aim for each day in our school system, and it has been incredible to see the impact!” 

Lynda Ingram |  Principal | Rock Quarry School System

"Jason Curry inspires and challenges both personally and professionally to become a better version of ourselves each day!  He transformed our staff mindset with a Finish Empty journey that has made such a tremendous impact on our students and overall school community! "

Amber Brantley | Principal | Greenbrier Wooster Elementary 

“Everything about The Finish Empty® Program was outstanding for our students, teachers, and administration. It allowed us to get on the same page to pursue excellence. If you have the opportunity to implement Finish Empty in your school.

Kristi Sigman | Federal Programs Director | Waldron School System

Finish Empty® All You Got. Every Day® are registered trademarks of Jason Curry